Avvantura Festival

Фотография Avvantura
Avvantura Festival, Хорватия, Zadar
Avvantura Festival проживает в городе Zadar, Хорватия. Родной город - Zadar. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о карьере, родственниках.
“Avvantura Festival Filmforumzadar” was founded in 2010 by Sergej Stanojkovski with the long term objective to create a platform for European Co-Productions and professional filmmakers, to develop the Zadar region as a filmdestination and create a wider platform as a hub for the audiovisual creative industry in the Dalmatian region. From the beginning The Subslogan 2010 was : “YEAR ZERO – European Co Production meets filmset Zadar”. The aim and objective was and is to focus the festival on European films and European Coproductions, from short- and studentfilms, through arthouse and experimental films to great mainstream productions. Our aim is to create a spot exchange of useful information, conversation and cooperation. From the first moment we invite professionals to our festivals. In the first edition Jurymembers were Dr Peter Zawrel (Head of Vienna Filmfund), Victor Carrera Brusotto (Documentarist), Tomi Salkovski (DOP and Producer), Rada Šešić (Filmmaker, Selector of Sarajevo FF, IDFA, Rotterdam and Cinemart), Sascha Lobo (famous german Blogger). We selected a majority of european films but always considered to present projects that have been co-produced, like “Son of Babylon” that won the Award for Best European Coproduction, an Iraqi-UK French-Dutch-UAE-Egyptian-Palestinian Co-Production and invited the director Mohamed Al Daradji. We presented the Austrian-French-German Co-Production “Lourdes” and invited DOP Martin Gschlacht who won an Award. Tom Ford ́s Film “A Single Man” was presented at our festival by Spanish DOP Eduard Grau, a young Cinematographer who grows from film to film. In 2012 we presented his film “Finisterrae” that was introduced by producer Luis Minarro of “Eddie Saeta”, one of the Co-Producers of “Uncle Bonmee”.Director Danilo Šerbeđija presented his debut-film “72 Days”, a Croatian-Serbian Co-Production. A year later at the 2nd festival edition he would plat at “Avvantura Festival Filmforumzadar” on stage with his father, the famous european Actor Rade Šerbeđija, macedonian Singer Tanja Tzarevska and director Bigas Luna. We have screened Apichatpong Weerasethakul ́s Thai-UK-French-German-Spanish-Dutch Co-Production “Uncle Bonmee”. Dutch Filmmaker John Appel came to present his film “The Player”. Peter de Maegd presented his Documentary-Crossmedia project “Where is Gary?” and held a Workshop on the subject of Crossmedia. Turkish filmmaker Orhan Tekeoglu came to present his documentary film “Ifakat”. Hermann Vaske introduced in the first edition his film “Digital Bomb” and held a Workshop on the question : “Why are you creative?”. We invited to “Avvantura Festival Filmforumzadar” Prof Werner Nekes to introduce his work through the 6 “Media Magica Films” and one of the greatest Collection of Prehistoric Cinema in thw World. This is a part of our contribution to Education of young Generation and the “Classics at the Adria”. We organized a focus on dutch cinema called “Highlights of the Lowlands”. At the very first moment we have also created the “Special Tomislav Pinter Award”, named after one of the most productive croatian and european filmmakers, Tomislav Pinter. This Award is given every year to a personality who supports and contributes to Independent Film and the international Cineman. In 2010 the Award was given to one of europes leading Arthouse personalities, producer/distributor/sales agent/cinema owner Karl Baumgartner. In 2011 actor Matt Dillon came to receive the Award in Zadar. In 2012 we have given the Award to spanish producer Luis Minarro for his devoted contribution to independent and arthouse Cinema. In the 2nd Festivaledition 2012 we had respected Jurymembers like actress Anamaria Marinca, festivaldirector Pnina Blayer, producer Jim Stark, director Dejan Sorak, actress Orsolya Török-Illyes, director Vanja Svilicic, director Szabolcs Hajdu, singer/song-writer/composer Tanja Tzarovska and others. We showed European Co-Production like the Indian-French “Chatrak”. Branko Ivanda came to present his film “Lea i Darija”.
Расширенные данные / Биография
Страна: Хорватия
Город: Zadar
Место рождения: Zadar
Возраст: нет данных
Дата рождения: нет данных
Знак зодиака: нет данных
Семейное положение: влюблён
ИмяСтепень родстваДата рождения
Sergej Stanojkovski отец/мать нет данных
Sergej Stanojkovski дедушка/бабушка нет данных
Место жительства
Работа и карьера
Avvantura d.o.o.
Owner & CEO
Хорватия, Zadar
Социальные сети
Источник информации

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Однофамильцы Avvantura Festival

Festival Baha
Казахстан, Тараз
Дата рождения: 7 сентября 2002г.
Festival Baga
Казахстан, Алматы
Дата рождения: 7 мая 1992г.
Festival Baha
Китай, Shanghai
Дата рождения: 1 октября 2000г.
Festival Riviera
Египет, Hurghada
Дата рождения: 1 апреля 1980г.

Другие парни и мужчины города Zadar

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Хорватия, Zadar
Дата рождения: 29 декабря 1973г.
Sorgic Zoran
Хорватия, Zadar
Дата рождения: 8 апреля 1981г.
Balašević Sergej
Хорватия, Zadar
Дата рождения: 17 ноября 1993г.
Alavanja Eduard
Хорватия, Zadar
Дата рождения: 18 мая 1961г.