Patrick Walter

Фотография Patrick
Patrick Walter, Гана, Tema
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Patrick Walter проживает в городе Tema, Гана. Родной город - Tema. Семейное положение Patrick: не женат. Знак зодиака Стрелец. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о карьере.
Although I am looking for my soulmate/lifemate, yet I would like to start with being good friends, since I believe my wife should also be my best friend as well as the lover of my soul. As for age range 30-51 or thereabouts Please post a photo before communicating with me, I like to see with whom I am talking, ok?(:>) P.S. I know this will sound a bit Biblical...but I have discovered that the Sower's Parable found in Matt.13 is quite similar to internet dating...Let me explain... 1.There are some who check your profile and photos and it does not raise any interest in them, they just move on to another profile. You mean nothing to them. 2.There are those who check your profile and photos and suddenly fall in love with you and even may propose to you on IM...and this within a few days...but when deeper questions are raised...they just fade if they never existed. 3.There are still others who check your profile and photos, you interest them but they are too busy...and they want perfection...not for themselves only, but to be able to show off their they keep on looking for the perfect one...with a long shopping list in hand...They are more interested in appearance and affluence. 4.Then there is the fourth type, they read your profile look at you photos and if you interest them they will contact you, since they are seeking a serious/ marriage in the end relationship...they will take the time to get to know you...and step by step...there will be a real relationship leading to marriage, by seeking God's will.
Расширенные данные / Биография
Страна: Гана
Город: Tema
Место рождения: Tema
Возраст: нет данных
Дата рождения: 20 декабря
Знак зодиака: Стрелец
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат
Место жительства
Работа и карьера
Walter's Venture
2008  -  2013 Гана, Tema
Социальные сети
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Однофамильцы Patrick Walter

Walter Jason
США, Seattle
Дата рождения: 5 сентября 1996г.
Walter Anetta
Украина, Николаев
Дата рождения: 2 декабря 1995г.
Walter Sara
Украина, Киев
Дата рождения: 12 августа 1990г.
Walter Johan
США, New York City
Дата рождения: 12 декабря 1985г.

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